Thursday, May 1, 2008

Wonderful Wednesdays

I had always imagined that when I had children I would be able to stay at home with them. I wanted to see all of their firsts, to potty train them, to bake cookies for them, etc. Life has its surprises though, and my son came along 3 years ago while my husband was still in medical school. Since my husband was a full-time student and I had a good job, I had to work full-time despite my desire to stay home with the baby. It's always hard to leave your baby to go to work...especially when you have to leave the baby with an unrelated sitter. Fortunately, we have been blessed with great sitters, almost too great at times. Our first two sitters became very attached to our son. The bad part was when he would call out their names instead of "mama" when he was hurt or needed something. Or when I would go to pick him up after work and the sitter would tell me something new he did...or worse yet, when I would tell the sitter about something new he did at home the night before and she would say,"oh, he's been doing that for a long time."
Despite our desire to wait until circumstances changed and I could stay at home, my husband and I decided to go ahead and have our second child 3 years later because we didn't want the kids to be too far apart in age. Although I still have to work now, our situation is a little better in that my husband is now a resident and has some income of his own. Because of this, I am able to take Wednesdays off to be at home with the kids!
And here's the point of this post: I LOVE Wednesdays!! Hump day went from being the worst day of the week to the best. I can stay home with the kids and do crafts, watch movies, bake, clean (which ends up being the majority of the day sometimes), take the kids to the park (as in this picture),
go to the store - although my 3-year-old has put a damper on that lately with his mini-tantrums, or just relax at home with them. I feel like a better mom now. And the thing that makes the deal even sweeter is that I still have my own life, that is, a life apart from momdom, at work. Work has become so much nicer than before. Although I enjoy my Wednesdays thoroughly, it is great to go back to work the next morning. With this setup, I feel like I have overcome the ongoing SAHM vs. WM battle - but that's a topic to be discussed in length at a later date.

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