Through this website you can search for things that people have made, or sometimes you can reequest custom-made items. I've been looking on it lately for some baby shower gifts. You're sure to find something unique, so the chances of getting someone something that they already have is near impossible. I found some really cute gift sets of silk-screened onesies and leg warmers at this site through , and another gift set at this one:
Now, I know that a lot of these things are a little pricey, but, they are handmade and one of a kind. Walmart and Target may have better prices, but I can rest assured that the things aren't made in a sweatshop and the profits are going directly to the makers.
My friend who made the hat, by the way, sells her items at I think her items are affordable and very adorable.
Thanks! That is so sweet!
Walmart doesn't sell stuff made in sweatshops.. They constantly look for ways to cut expenses from their supply chain by leveraging advances in technology - not selling questionable products.. Their goal is to help people save money so they can live better...
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