Jonathan: I'unna go swimmin', I'unna go swimmin, I'unna go swimmin'
Me: No
Jonathan: I'unna go shoppin, I'unna go shoppin
Me: No
Jonathan: I'unna go to bed, I'unna go to bed.
Me: Okay
Jonathan: Nooooo!
Gracie: Waaaah!
Me: Here you go Gracie, nummies!
Me (later): Jonathan, stop eating Gracie's food!
Jonathan: I'unna go swimmin'!!!
I got Jonathan's old riding toy out for Gracie to use. He, of course, wanted to use it when he saw her on it. I thought they looked cute "playing together" here:
Gracie asleep at the table. Eating is hard work, but she's good at it. She can already pick up cheerios and get them in her mouth!
Two of a kind! Really, we do feed our kids food!
I know we're breaking some kind of safety rules here with Gracie in the trailer, but she does so well, and big brother takes good care of her...
Swimming is so much fun with Daddy!
The picture with Chuck and Johnathan in the pool is very cool!
Sorry.. "Jonathan", not "Johnathan"...
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