Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I'm home from Arkansas/Oklahoma! And home today from work because I'm sick :(
We cancelled cable and laying on the couch watching TV would be my ideal way to pass the time. So instead I decided to catch up on my blog (as though anyone has been waiting on pins and needles to read it).
So I'm sure you have seen by my facebook status updates that Chuck and I are in the market for a house in Rogers AR. We found one we liked over our Christmas vacation and put on offer on it. I'll keep you posted on that...
If you didnt get a Christmas card from us this year let me know your address and I will send you one next year. But for those of you who didnt get one, here it is:

We had a lot of fun making that one!

Otherwise not a whole lot going on here. We are trying to figure out when I will be stopping work, but the contingent plans are for me to work through either February or March, and we will move around April 15th. But everything is still up in the air.
I will hopefully be posting some more pics of the kids from the holidays soon, so stay tuned...tuned?

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